Coaching at Competitions
You can hire a PVFA coach to help you at competitions.
What the coach provides:
The coach will lead a warm up activity, possibly a short warm up lesson if time and space allow, strip coaching in the pools and DE's, notes, and video review if a parent is taking video.
Payment is to be directly to the coach and not to PVFA.
Travel fee of $15 per half hour of driving (each way), rounded up to nearest half hour. Trips to Worcester Fencing Club are a flat fee of $30 round trip. This fee may be reduced to $10 per half hour of travel if the fencer or parent is providing transportation for a coach. It is up to the coach whether or not to travel with the family if that is offered as an option.
Local events - $120 per event per fencer.
Regional events (ROC, or RJCC, SYC, etc.) - $150 per event per fencer.
NACs, National championships, JO Championships - $175 per event per fencer.
Any event that requires a hotel and/or airfare, the students pay 100% of the hotel and travel costs including rental car fees if deemed necessary by the coach, plus an extra $25 fee per day for meals.
If coaching more than one person at an event, the travel fee is split between students and the event fees are reduced by $20 per person per event. The reduced cost is related to the likelihood that time is split between students and the coach may not be 100% available to every student throughout the day.
Notice to fencers and parents:
Scheduling conflicts, illness, injury, etc. may prevent a coach from being available during competitions. It is up to the individual coach whether or not to accept the job to strip coach a fencer at a competition. Coaches must be given adequate notice before the competition in order to arrange their schedule and travel needs, this is generally at least two weeks prior to local events, perhaps a month or more for anything requiring a hotel. The coach stays in the same hotel as the fencer. Fencers who are minor children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is not the coach. Coaches do not stay in hotel rooms with students of any age nor do they provide transportation to students under the age of 18. If a coach is hired by an adult fencer, the coach and fencer may arrange travel details (such as sharing a rental car) as they see fit.
Students must also be aware that although strip coaching can be helpful that there is no guarantee it will win bouts for them and that the main benefit is for the coach to see the student perform at competitions in order to help the coach better train the student for future competitions. In the eventuality of two PVFA fencers fencing against each other, the coach will not strip coach either fencer in that match, but will take notes and offer feedback to them at a later time.
What the coach provides:
The coach will lead a warm up activity, possibly a short warm up lesson if time and space allow, strip coaching in the pools and DE's, notes, and video review if a parent is taking video.
Payment is to be directly to the coach and not to PVFA.
Travel fee of $15 per half hour of driving (each way), rounded up to nearest half hour. Trips to Worcester Fencing Club are a flat fee of $30 round trip. This fee may be reduced to $10 per half hour of travel if the fencer or parent is providing transportation for a coach. It is up to the coach whether or not to travel with the family if that is offered as an option.
Local events - $120 per event per fencer.
Regional events (ROC, or RJCC, SYC, etc.) - $150 per event per fencer.
NACs, National championships, JO Championships - $175 per event per fencer.
Any event that requires a hotel and/or airfare, the students pay 100% of the hotel and travel costs including rental car fees if deemed necessary by the coach, plus an extra $25 fee per day for meals.
If coaching more than one person at an event, the travel fee is split between students and the event fees are reduced by $20 per person per event. The reduced cost is related to the likelihood that time is split between students and the coach may not be 100% available to every student throughout the day.
Notice to fencers and parents:
Scheduling conflicts, illness, injury, etc. may prevent a coach from being available during competitions. It is up to the individual coach whether or not to accept the job to strip coach a fencer at a competition. Coaches must be given adequate notice before the competition in order to arrange their schedule and travel needs, this is generally at least two weeks prior to local events, perhaps a month or more for anything requiring a hotel. The coach stays in the same hotel as the fencer. Fencers who are minor children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is not the coach. Coaches do not stay in hotel rooms with students of any age nor do they provide transportation to students under the age of 18. If a coach is hired by an adult fencer, the coach and fencer may arrange travel details (such as sharing a rental car) as they see fit.
Students must also be aware that although strip coaching can be helpful that there is no guarantee it will win bouts for them and that the main benefit is for the coach to see the student perform at competitions in order to help the coach better train the student for future competitions. In the eventuality of two PVFA fencers fencing against each other, the coach will not strip coach either fencer in that match, but will take notes and offer feedback to them at a later time.